The 100 Signs that a girl likes you.. Every Man Should Know

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Let’s face it, woman can be mysterious, and for lot of men, it confuses the hell out of them. However, that’s not such a bad thing. In reality if there was no mystery, things would be considerably boring, and the all fun of dating would be completely drained away.

Just imagine doing the same thing day after day with absolutely no real challenge.
You’d become a robot and eventually with all the repetition, you’ll have had enough. As humans, we are hardwired for danger, and while most would prefer to stick to their comfort zones, we’d never truly know what they were in the first place without one thing: Risk.
My point is, don’t look at the mystery of women as being a negative. Instead, enjoy the excitement of chaos, have fun, and take action; that’s what dating is all about.
If you don’t know the answers to every single question, don’t worry. Truthfully, you’re not alone.
Can you believe that every single month over fifty-thousand men are all looking for the answers to one simple question: How to tell if a girl likes you?
Today, I’m going to tell you.

First stop seeking that kind of validation, it will kill your dating life.
You can take note of every single one of these signs below and still be wrong!
Never underestimate how wrong you can be.
An attractive female coworker office might be overly friendly, flirty or talkative. She’s given off signs left and right and well, at this point it’s a guaranteed thing right? There’s no way in hell she doesn’t like you. It’s crystal clear she does. The moment you ask out her out you’ll surely be met with an immediate “Yes”, right?
However, like all things in life, nothing is guaranteed. Even business negotiations that seem like they are on track can go sour and get derailed fast.
People wear all sorts of disguises, and reading them isn’t always easy.
Now, while you might be under the impression that she likes you, there’s truly only one way to find out. And that’s by asking her.
Don’t surprised if she turns you down for a date. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the tunnel vision, and it will crush you if you start dreaming of a relationship that never existed in the first place.
On the other hand, a woman may very well be attracted to you without displaying any of the signs below. She might even be the one to ask you out in the first place, unexpectedly!
Perhaps she’s shy, more reserved, or simply has too many things going on in her life to focus on you. There could be absolutely no connection, until the moment you strike up a conversation with her and spark one. Of course, asking her out could be what snowballs the start of a new relationship interest too.
Don’t just assume. Go with your gut. What a waste it will be for you to never ask a woman out simply because she doesn’t display any signs. She could be the woman of your dreams, standing right in front of you! Forget being too timid to approach her and ask one simple question to find out.

Don’t sit idle!
Sitting idle leads to one thing: Regret. And not having the balls to ask her out will plague your mind. Again, what a waste!
You’ll never regret the outcome if you go through with any action that requires balls (As long as it’s legal, ethical, moral, etc. of course). Truthfully, any rejection or success you will remember as a past memory of what you’re capable of. Don’t give me the “it’s easier said than done” bullsh-t.
Personally, I enjoy rejection every now and then. It reminds me that I’m taking risks! The more rejection you have under your belt, the more comfortable you get with it. Eventually, you’ll start thinking in terms of “Will it kill me”, and the answer is always no. In reality, there’s nothing to be afraid of.
Allow yourself to fail more, and far more often. While these signs are great to know, worry about them less. Just by being the moment you’ll know what to do next. All you have to do, is take action and take what I would call is petite, pea-sized amount of risk to your ego. Your emotional bank account in life can always be built back up; yes, even after rejection!

The most basic signs of them all:
If a woman talks to you without running away, or has given you her phone number, she probably likes you. Either romantically or simply friendly in nature.
You must understand that when it comes to figuring of which of the two, it doesn’t matter! Don’t obsess over an immediate answer. For now, just accept the fact that she has shown some level of interest in you.
While you might be attracted to her in this moment, you might not be in the future. For all you know she could end up being insane, or have a bizarre fetish that’s unfathomably disgusting and off-putting. Why stress out over something that again, doesn’t even matter.

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