Ferguson unrest: New clashes as Obama urges calm

Police arrest a protester in Ferguson (18 August 2014)

Unrest flared hours after President Obama called for calm following the fatal police shooting of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown on 9 August.

The US attorney general is due to visit Ferguson on Wednesday to meet federal officials investigating the killing.
The National Guard has been deployed to support police operations.
Missouri Governor Jay Nixon announced the deployment on Monday, in addition to lifting a night-time curfew imposed on the weekend.
The killing of Mr Brown by a white policeman in a street has inflamed racial tensions in the largely black community of Ferguson.
Officer Darren Wilson shot the teenager last week after reportedly stopping him for walking in the street.
'Violent agitators'
Police Captain Ron Johnson said officers were forced to use tear gas and stun grenades on Tuesday after they came under "heavy gunfire" and were attacked with petrol bombs and bottles.
He said two people were hit by gunfire from demonstrators, insisting that officers did not use their weapons.
Riot police in Ferguson (18 August 2014)Police and protesters clashed again, 10 days after an officer shot dead an unarmed black teenager
Police arrest a protester in Ferguson (18 August 2014)Officers made several arrests on Monday night as the violence escalated
Protester covered in milk (18 August 2014)A protester had milk poured over his face to counter the effects of tear gas
Protesters in Ferguson (18 August 2014)The killing has exposed racial tensions in the majority-black suburb of St Louis
Capt Johnson appealed to demonstrators to protest in the daytime to prevent a "tiny minority of law breakers" from deliberately sparking violence.
"Anyone who has been at these protests understands that there is a dangerous dynamic in the night: it allows a small number of violent agitators to hide in the crowd and then attempt to create chaos," he told journalists.
Those arrested include people from other states, including New York and California, Capt Johnson said. Correspondents say this suggests the protests are becoming more organised.
In an earlier statement, US Attorney General Eric Holder said he would "personally travel" to Ferguson on Wednesday to meet FBI investigators and prosecutors.

Ferguson unrest

Population of Ferguson, Missouri
Black or black African
  • 6% Police officers are black
  • 9% Unemployed
  • 21% Families living below the poverty line
Dr Michael Baden points to his head where one of the gun shots hit Michael Brown as family attorney's Benjamin Crump (L) and Daryl Parks look on during a press conference at the Greater St. Marks Family Church 18 August 2014Pathologist Dr Michael Baden indicates where a gunshot struck Michael Brown
Earlier, a former New York pathologist hired by Mr Brown's family performed an independent post-mortem examination.
Dr Michael Baden said he believed six bullets struck the teenager, two of which may have re-entered.
"All of the gunshot wounds could have been survivable, except the one at the top of the head," he said.
Dr Baden said there were no signs of a struggle, as abrasions around the teenager's face were likely from falling to the pavement after being shot.
He also believed Mr Wilson did not shoot him at close range as there was no gunpowder residue on his body, suggesting the officer was more than 2ft (60cm) away.
Family lawyer Benjamin Crump said autopsy results backed up the witness accounts
Witnesses have said Mr Brown was shot as he held his hands up in a position of surrender, while the police and supporters of Mr Wilson have said he fired during a fight with Mr Brown.
The officer who shot Mr Brown, Darren Wilson, has been suspended with pay since the shooting. Mr Brown's family have called for his arrest.
Another post-mortem on Mr Brown will be conducted by the US justice department, in addition to examinations by Dr Baden and St Louis county officials.
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Timeline of events
Michael Brown, the 18 year old who was shot dead in Ferguson, MissouriMichael Brown had recently graduated from high school.
  • 9 Aug: Michael Brown is shot by police officer Darren Wilson after an altercation
  • 10 Aug: Unrest begins to brew after a candlelight vigil for Mr Brown, with car windows smashed and stores looted
  • 11 Aug: FBI opens an investigation into the teenager's killing. Tensions escalate at night, with riot police firing tear gas and rubber bullets at protesters
  • 15 Aug: Police release a video purporting to show Mr Brown robbing a convenience store. The move further angers demonstrators and leads to new clashes with police
  • 16 Aug: Missouri declares a state of emergency and imposes a curfew in Ferguson
  • 17 Aug: Governor calls out National Guard to keep peace
  • 18 Aug: Independent post-mortem tests confirm Mr Brown was shot six times, including twice in the head

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